1. jodie Marshall

    The article is much information which I was searching for. Nice intro good explanation thanks for sharing.

  2. Bruce Jones

    I have Atmel Studio 7 on 2 computers, one using Windows 7 and the other Windows 10. On both I can get through all the steps outlined above ending with having set the clock frequency at 16000000 on the clock configurator page: there is then no mention anywhere, on any of the pages, of an option to “Generate Project”.
    On your diagrams this option is at the bottom of the clock configurator page, but it is not there on my iterations; the only thing at the bottom of that page is “2020 Microchip Technology Inc”.
    The options at the top of the pages are “{} view code”, “Save Configuration” and “Export Project”, none of which seem to lead to a request to “Generate Project’
    I should be most grateful for advice.

  3. Bruce Jones

    I am using Windows 7 and Atmel Studio 7.0.594.7Z.
    I have managed all the settings including printf and set the clock frequency at 16000000.
    I can find no way to click “Generate project”. This option is shown at the bottom of the Clock Configurator page in your illustrations, but is not there on my computer, and “Generate project” does not appear on the dashboard, or elsewhere. The only options I appear to have are “view code”, “save configuration”, and “export project”
    I should be most grateful for advice.

  4. John Porter

    Thanks you for this guide.

    I found this and your other tutorials in the series super useful.

  5. Alejandro

    You don´t need to include “STDIO redirect” anymore.
    Just tick “Printf support” in USART_O and set the clock at 16 Mhz.
    It works.


  6. thank you for sharing this article, helped a lot tome.


  7. An excellent tutorial indeed. Most enjoyed it, you know how to make a dry subject interesting

  8. Kevin McQuiggin

    Looks like your comments processing script strips out left and right angle brackets.

    Where I said “#include” above, I had actually typed:

    #include stdio.h

    With left and right angle brackets surrounding stdio.h.

  9. Kevin McQuiggin

    Hi there! Excellent tutorial. I am trying to follow it, but currently there is no “stdio redirect” middleware option for the 328/328P chip. The “wizard” must have been updated since your post in February.

    There is, however, a “printf support” option on the USART configuration page. I tried checking that but no luck.

    The project won’t build as it cannot find “printf”. I tried adding “#include ” to the main.c file. Then the project builds, but when I upload it to my chip there is no serial output

    Any suggestions appreciated! Once again, really good newbie tutorial, but the issue as always is the speed of the moving target with these online “configuration generator” wizards.


    • tombe691

      I have the same problem, did you or anyone else solve the problem with missing stdio?

      • John Porter

        Hiya, I had the same problem.

        If anyone has this in the future, choose, usart basic and then select “printf support”.

        The code above needs the #include line correcting to #include <stdio.h>

        #include <atmel_start.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
        #define MY_DELAY for(unsigned long int i = 0; i<5000000; i++);

        int main(void)
        /* Initializes MCU, drivers and middleware */

        /* Replace with your application code */
        while (1) {
        printf("hello world!!\n\r");




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